What Students are Saying
Students of NPI walk away with NEW knowledge of how the brain responds to pain and the tools they need to become successful as a Certified Neuromuscular Release Therapist (CNRT).

To be honest, I’ve taken nearly every seminar this industry has to offer. I cannot believe how immediately effective Paul’s work is. You don’t want to believe it, but it’s just science that makes it work. This has definitely got my head spinning and has changed my focus on what I’m doing, completely.

This was my best seminar ever! Paul Ruth has such a simple and humorous approach to teaching that it makes learning fun. By the end of the weekend my 5 year knee pain was GONE and now I’m so eager and encouraged to make a positive shift in my career and business. I cannot believe how easy this work makes it to help people in pain and I can’t wait to get started with a new direction
RUTH R.– Las Vegas

Learning these skills and techniques from Paul has exploded my business. I have gained confidence in myself. He has taught me great respect for the body, my clients, and our profession. Easily the best seminar I’ve ever taken!
About the Founder

Paul Ruth
Paul Ruth is an unassumingly quiet and humble guy who just happens to have an amazing gift. He has had successful career that has defied the odds and spanned more than two decades. Paul has owned several performance clinics throughout his career and currently owns and operates a chronic pain clinic in Scottsdale, AZ. As an already successful neuromuscular therapist, he pioneered his own, easier way of doing things and getting results when he developed NRT in 2002. He is a corporate workplace expert on workman’s comp and cost avoidance and has been a featured presenter for companies such as American Airlines, Dial Corporation, Go Daddy, United Technologies Corporation (UTC), as well as Vanguard and American Express. Paul has been a featured lecturer at the SW Dental convention as an expert on permanently eliminating TMJD. He has worked with the PGA Tour, has several top tour professionals in his client base, and is considered by many in the golf industry to be one of the top golf performance therapists in the country. He has traveled working with NBA owners, players and staff. He’s worked with many professional organizations and players including NFL, MLB, NHL, as well as pro beach volleyball. He has been very fortunate to work with some of the best athletes in the world, but Paul is most proud of being able to rid his everyday clients of their pain. With the more than 25,000+ treatments performed over the past 20 years, he still sees an average of 8 clients per day.

Alex Miller

Laura Heard

Chad Alexander

There are so many choices for continuing education that it can be a little overwhelming, we get that! We also get that most of the confusion is simply because many therapists lack SPECIFIC direction for their career path. We are here to change that and help you create an IMMEDIATE IMPACT on your future in your business.
At the Neuromuscular Performance Institute, we will empower you to take control of your career and learn from over two decades of tried and proven experience in the world of chronic pain and performance. We will teach you to become inspired and learn a revolutionary treatment to fix your clients pain quickly and permanently.